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Swindon Isis Angling Club
Today we put 530 carp into Lake 1a (small lake)
400 Mirrors. size 6 to 8 inch
130 8 inch + Mirrors and Commons 
We will have some Bream from the E.A. in the autumn
Guest Tickets-procedure
If you wish to take a friend fishing on Isis Club waters you need to follow the following procedure:
 e-mail the Secretary with your name and membership number and the name and address of your guest and the date you are intending to fish  
You will then be sent an email, if challenged show your email. Each member can  take a friend fishing only once during the season.
Jo Smith with a 22-8 common captured on Sunday 29th August.
2010-11 Cup winners at the Merlin Cup Draw July 2011
An 8 chub catch from the Top Weir for 19-4-0 taken  by Michael Saunders
Thanks to Rob Sumsion for the photos of some of the catch from No1 during a session with his fishing colleague Andy Watts, who is holding a common of 15lb and a mirror of 21-15. Several other fish were taken and  one close to 30lb was lost.
Lee Pollard with a nice 17lb mirror from the big lake
Two carp taken by Kevin Westlake over the Easter week-end.
The mirror was 19lb and the common 21lb 6oz
Some fine catches from No1 by Jamie Day and Daniel Deeks
Please send photos of your catches to secretary2020@swindonisis.org
A typical backwater catch (thanks to Darren Edgell for the pic).

​Due to reoccurring flooding at the lake, we are having several tons of soil/clay delivered to the lake with the intention of building up the banks near the stream, it is hoped that this will help with preventing the stream from filling up the lake